Only repeaters licensed by the ACMA will be listed on UHFCB Australia.
New repeaters will not be listed until license details have been confirmed with the ACMA
If you have updated information about any new or existing repeaters please e-mail the details to
Callsign | Location | Status |
VHU8 | Mudlankie Hill | Unconfirmed |
ELD03 | Lake Elder Bore | Unconfirmed |
WIL03 | The Pinnacle | Unconfirmed |
REN03 | Renmark | Unconfirmed |
MOO03 | Mooleulooloo | Unconfirmed |
BLN03 | Patawarta Hill | Unconfirmed |
UNO03 | Yarna Station | Unconfirmed |
CTR03 | Bald Hill | Unconfirmed |
ADL03 | Glenelg North | Unconfirmed |
KBY03 | Kerby Hill | Unconfirmed |
ALN03 | Alindee Hill | Unconfirmed |
VLD9 | Bulgunnia Homestead | Unconfirmed |
VLE3 | Glendambo | Unconfirmed |
VLE8 | Murnpeowie Station | Unconfirmed |
VLE9 | Stenhouse Bay | Unconfirmed |
VWC3 | Peter Hill | Unconfirmed |
VLC8 | Bulff Point | Unconfirmed |
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